Dr. Valette specializes in evaluating war trauma.
He is sought out by attorneys for his clinical opinions on war trauma. Whether it’s an interpreter from Iraq or Afghanistan, a contract food service worker or mechanic from Kosovo, or an Ex-Military contractor providing security in any war zone, Dr. Valette can provide a full assessment and report of the psychological injuries sustained during their contract employment.
What is equally important is that Dr. Valette knows the DBA system and the legal requirements for a claim.
In addition to psychological injury, Dr. Valette can also provide a TBI assessment due to blast exposure, head injuries, and concussive injury.
Denied DBA claims are Dr. Valette’s specialty. He can review the opposing counsels psychological report and provide a rebuttal concerning any clinical errors found in the assessment, psychological testing, diagnosis, and employment conclusions. A personal interview of the client is included in his own assessment.
Along with Defense Base Act is the LongShore Act. Dr. Valette is able to interview, assess and provide a report for 2nd injury cases. A psychological condition secondary and due to a covered physical injury.
The legal standard is: “Natural and unavoidable consequences of the injury.” This standard is a part of these evaluations.